As the AW Chain Ship (see sidebar) sails its way through the fifth round, it's landed at my dock after crossing BK 30's harbour. BK wrote about how you can never trick her into exercising or dieting, unless you mask those evil things as something else. Makes complete sense to me. Her post is hilarious. If you are in need of a laugh, go read it.

I am so glad I learned reading Bengali as a child. Otherwise, I would have been denied the magic of this master of nonsense. My first brush with his strange worldview took place when I was a toddler. That was around the time I was made to learn by heart some poems from Abol Tabol or Gibberish, Ray's repository of nearly 50 balderdash verses. I didn't hate memorizing these poems; if anything, the converse was true. To the innocent and unbridled mind of the little me, such weirdness was delicious and worth getting serious about.

In Gaaner Gunto or Musical Knock, he talks about the voice of the great Bhishmalochan Sharma—who starts singing on a scorching summer day—traveling from Delhi to Burma. People fall off and die by the dozens, unable to survive the "good vibrations" rampaging through the streets. Scores of animals fall prey to this thunderous singing session too, until a crazy goat knocks Bhishmalochan down with its menacing horns. That's when his savage vocal chords are finally laid to good rest.
Sukumar Ray becomes a child's friend in the most effortless way, just as Lewis Carroll or Edward Lear do. For here is someone who gives them the license to not only ponder on nonsense, but also to have limitless fun with it.
Ha Ja Ba Ra La or Mumbo Jumbo is a novelette peopled by strange creatures who are governed by even more outlandish rules. This complete nonsensical story is often compared to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in style and presentation. Yet, Ha Ja Ba Ra La, which is actually a random ordering of six Bengali consonants, remains peculiarly Bengali in its idiom and rendition.

While in your childhood, Sukumar Ray and his creations entertain you as dear friends, as an adult, you begin noticing the subtle satirical undertones in his works. He takes a dig at corrupt politicians in Ha Ja Ba Ra La, pokes fun at non-laughing pseudo intellectuals in the poem Ramgarurer Chhana (Ramgarur's Offspring), and even some of the images in Bombagarher Raja insinuate the lack of activity that leads members of the royalty to find inane vocations to busy themselves with.
Over the course of the next few posts, I will introduce you to Dashu, a character created by Sukumar Ray. Be alarmed; Dashu is a bundle of surprises, accidents, and craziness. If you don't like laughing, you may not be interested in knowing about him. But otherwise...stay tuned!
And now, keeping this a strictly funny business, may I anchor the AW Chain Ship at Andrea's port, situated in the charming town of Southern Expressions.
Note: Illustrations by Sukumar Ray
awchain, Sukumar Ray, Nonsense Literature, Humor, Children's Literature, Bengali Literature
Note: Illustrations by Sukumar Ray
awchain, Sukumar Ray, Nonsense Literature, Humor, Children's Literature, Bengali Literature
Hello, Bhaswati!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" as a child, and just like you discovered with Sukumar Ray's work, I find "Alice..." continues to surprise me with more and more revelations.
Please tell me that Sukumar Ray's work has been translated into the English language! I would love to read some of those stories that enamoured you so much when you were a child and which continue to do so.
Can't wait for Dashu. Indeed it feels like something fun to read that shouldn't be missed. You're lucky you came across it when you were little.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post!! (More please ;;) )
I love it when Authors hide nuggets of satire in there work that you can not understand until you are older :), heck some of the Authors I read now get me all the time.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I'm with Cesar on Dashu
Lewis Carroll! Alice in Wonderland!
ReplyDeleteYay! Love! For some reason or other that particular story is sitting with me- I haven't even read it recently or anything but now I can't stop thinking things like: "Will you won't you will you won't you will you join the dance? Will you won't you will you won't you won't you join the dance?"
Anyway, the literature you mentioned sounds very interesting. I'd love to read some of it sometime.
Great post as usual Bhaswati! Sounds like I'd really like reading Sukumar Ray's (in English of course). Looking forward to Dashu too.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard the word "balderdash" for some time now. It's actually a board game her in the US. Before that the only other time I heard it is when a friend of mine got me interested in Harry Chapin adn one of his albums is called Verities and Balderdash.
I think writing a story that can be appreciated by both children and adults on different levels is a real art. Interesting post.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this educational slice of a wit in mastery, Bhas. What a wonderful enchanting post and I like your choice of illustrations too.
ReplyDeleteI'll return later to take my time, reading the links.
Hope you're well.
I also left a comment for your entry over at Lonely Moon a couple of days ago. You're writing so well, you really are.
Now my mind is rambling through all my favourite authors who write nonsense. It's like a banquet and I have no idea who I want to re-read next because they are all so much fun.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favourite French authors writes this style in a peculialrly French way (like Sukumar Ray is peculiarly Bengali) is Marcel Ayme. His short stories kept me reading French when the boredom of study class nearly convinced me that I hated learning languages.
What an awesome post.
ReplyDeletePosts like this always remind me how much I'm missing out by being mono-lingual.
Lotus, you've made me determined to read!
ReplyDeleteSukumar Ray has been translated. Abol Tabol (his book of nonsense poetry) and the novelette Ha Ja Ba Ra La are both available on Amazon. I sure hope you can get your hands on those titles. Do let me know if you need more help finding them.
Cesar, I can't wait to bring Dashu to you all. He is what Americans often call a "hoot." :P.
BK, aren't these authors geniuses? Thank you for inspiring me to write about Sukumar Ray, btw. It was your funny post that did it. ;)
Tiffany, you had me in splits there! I haven't read Alice...but now I see every reason to do so. LOL
Simran, thanks! Like I told Lotus, you can find some of S Ray's works in translation on Amazon. Oh and balderdash--it means nonsense. Thanks to you I just learned it's also a board game. :)
Peggy, I couldn't agree more with you.
Susan, I am so glad you liked the post. It's my pleasure to share some of my favourite writers with you all
Huge thanks for your kind words on my Lonely Moon entry. And for your endless encouragement. :)
Gillian, what an interesting piece of info on the French writer. He sure sounds interesting! These writers are a special breed, aren't they?
Matt, I have to agree with you on that. The peculiarities of languages can never be translated, and it's in those parts that the real fun lies. Glad you liked the post. :)
Humor is such a wonderful thing. Great post! :)
ReplyDeleteCanada has Stephen Leacock of the same ilk!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! Thanks for sharing! Hope yu have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI think you would find the work of Bill Bryson highly amusing. Notes From A Big Country especially if you're British or American.
ReplyDeleteMarti, thanks. Happy weekend to you too!
ReplyDeleteOrhan, welcome to my blog. Thanks for the heads up. Bill Bryson sounds right up my alley. I am going to buy one of his books real soon. Can't wait!
(I am neither British nor American, but I guess I would enjoy his writing nonetheless.)
Great blog entry. It would be excellent to see Sukumar Ray's work available here!
ReplyDelete"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" holds special meaning for me. I moved in my fourth grade year of elementary school to a very different town from where I had lived. My teacher that first year said he held a 'contest' (which he told me about in 'confidence') and whoever he saw smiling the most the first day got a prize. Well, I smiled all day long and was awarded the prize of...yep, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Great memory.
ReplyDeleteHarbormaster, thanks. You can always check out the translations available at Amazon.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, thanks. Alice...does sound wonderful. The book is on my reading list now.
Serenity, That's a lovely memory indeed! And what a wonderful teacher you had. Thanks for sharing the great story. :)
Great post, Sury, as always!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Peggy. I think when you can attract the interest of two generations it is a true treat. :)