Monday, April 10, 2006

In Submission

That image doesn't really have a connection to the content of this post. I just put it because I like images in blog posts.

Well, as the title suggests, I am in submission mode these days. Now that the book is past me, I am back to writing some fiction now and then. I am also looking to submit the stories that are already stored in my hard drive. So I have decided to do the needful--searching for markets, polishing the stories, and dispatching them. Then pick another one from the hard drive and do the same.

So about a week back, I sent off the first to-be-submitted story to a couple of writer friends to get their views. They were pretty diligent and got back to me soon enough. And then what happened? Did I incorporate changes based on their suggestions and send the story off to the desired mag? No. In keeping with my superb procrastinating track record, I, well, procrastinated on it! Until I got a nudge from a terrific blog post called Submit to Submission (do read it if you can) from author J A Konrath. He wrote quite a motivating post encouraging writers to submit their work, and even dished out the incentive of including the names of the first five people who did that and reported back to him as characters in his new book. Wow! Just reading that post did the needful to wake me up. I made the changes needed, wrote the small bio note the said magazine asked for and composed the email. Then, I pressed the send button.

The mag's policy says I may have to wait for two months before I hear from them. What do I do in the meantime? Why, pick up another story from the reserve folder, fine tune it, and send it off!

Simple eh? I tell you, it is. I even tried it myself ;) Why don't you do too and we all have fun together?


  1. Many, many good luck vibes!! Let us know how it turned out. :)

  2. Konrath's post nudged me too! I currently doing rewrites on my WIP, but in the meantime I decided to take one of my better, more commercial stories and submit it. Waiting is such a drag, but I suppose I'm getting used to it.

  3. Thanks, Cesar! The vibes are much appreciated :)

    Jason, well done! Given your talent, you'll find a lot of acceptances if you just keep submitting.

    I don't wait after submitting though; I just forget about it. The task of submitting behind me, I feel a sense of relief.

  4. That's a great outlook. Much healthier. I'll try to work on that!

  5. Hi Bhaswati,
    It's very nice to say hello to you all the way in New Delhi. Thanks for visiting & for including me in your links. I am so surprised! You're in mine too, under South-Asian writers.
    Bhas, I would say send many out at a time. I speak from hindsight. I wasted a lot of time sending just one manuscript out at a time once before. Sometimes, you never know that the most unlikely story, poem or idea ends up getting accepted in record time.
    Let's cheer each other on.
    In friendship & with best wishes,

  6. I love submitting, but I hate waiting for replies. I actually have a couple submissions that have been out for 4 months or more.

    I always try to keep a handful of submissions out, so I know while I am working on new stuff, my submissions are working for me as well.

    Good luck everyone with the subs!


  7. I agree waiting can be tough, Oni, especially for such long periods. I like your idea of submissions working for us while we work on our writing. That works!

    Many good luck vibes to you!

  8. :) Good for you for sending off those submissions. It has been about four months since I've sent anything new out. I've been meaning to ... this gave me a little kick to get to it! Thanks.
