Friday, April 21, 2006

Contest News

Fellow writers! Here's a wonderful opportunity to free your muse. The very talented Jason of The Clarity of Night is hosting this interesting contest in which you have to write a story of 250 words or less using a spectacular photograph he has posted on his blog as inspiration. The deadline is 8:00 p.m. (eastern time), Thursday April 27th. There are prizes to be won too, so get writing! This is the link for the contest. Do check it out :).

UPDATE: The contest entries are pouring in. You can read them here and post comments as well. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks so much for the mention, Sury! I do hope to see entries from you and your readers!

  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check it out.

  3. And such a nice variety of themes so far, too!

  4. You bet, Bernita. I am completely bowled over by the entries. So much of talent out there; it just amazes me.

    We should have more of these contests!

  5. Hi Bhaswati, How's it all going for your writing so far? *love*

  6. Going well, if a little slow, Susan. Does blogging count as writing? :P

  7. Hi Bhas, ok great! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. At least you sent out 3 pieces of work! Shame on me! I haven't done anything.
    But you did offer an insightful remark on blogging. It did heaps for me even if I stop it all today. I managed a regular discipline to write and also ended up discovering who I really am as a writer, why I write what I do, where I'm headed to and all of that. At the end of the day, it was wonderful therapy. I found myself as a writer earlier rather than later. I'm sure you have your own little gems. *love*
