Thursday, March 23, 2006


I have a writer's blog now. That's good progress in a year of getting into blogdom. While I've been jotting down my forays into the world of food here, this is my first writerly blog. It was time to get one too. With my debut book in the publisher's hands, I do need a space to talk about writing, networking, and the whole jing bang lot of marketing. I do reckon blogging is one of the best ways to connect with other writers and learn from them. So here I am. Not to say this place is only open to other writers. This is for anyone who would like to drop by.

Come on in, share your wisdom and leave an imprint of your visit here (hint, hint, post a comment).

It's past midnight here, so I will write a proper post when the sun comes on. Until then, see you all :)


  1. Congratulations on the new blog! I'm sure it won't be long before it becomes the talk of the town :)

  2. Wonderful blog, my dear friend! I can't wait to hold your book in my hands! :-)

  3. Great looking blog, Sury. I am impressed. See you in the blogosphere.

  4. Hey, thanks Bob! Now to keep up with two blogs. Is that work? lol. But fun work, definitely.
